あじさいの季節 / Season of a hydrangea

2016年06月09日 21:57





よく行く道具屋さんのそばに咲いている 白いあじさい。


これをあじさいと呼んでいいのかな と思いつつ、毎年この花の前を通るのを 楽しみにしています。








I went to Okachi-machi in a work request yesterday. 
The white hydrangea which blooms near the tool seller who often goes.
Whether this may be called a hydrangea, I'm looking forward to passing in front of this flower every year, thinking.
I'm coming to like a white flower every year.
Today's happy coordination.
Venus emerald ring
I went to Okachi-machi in a work request yesterday. 
The white hydrangea which blooms near the tool seller who often goes.
Whether this may be called a hydrangea, I'm looking forward to passing in front of this flower every year, thinking.
I'm coming to like a white flower every year.
Today's happy coordination.
Venus's (venus) emerald ring