11月の誕生石トパーズが / birthstone topaz in November.

2015年11月19日 20:26






私がルナのリングをしていたところ、「可愛い」とおっしゃってくださり、 ルナのリング お母様のお誕生日プレゼントにと、ルナと同じ丸みのある5mm石で、リングかネックレスをオーダーしたいと言ってくださいました。







お母様はいつも真っ赤なネイルをされていて、 ハイジュエリーからおもちゃのアクセサリーまで、たくさんお持ちの方なのだそうですが、気に入っていただけたら、嬉しいな♪








ネックレス:40cm or 37cm(アジャスターでサイズ調整可能) 




I handed a necklace of a blue topaz to a customer the other day.
The ring when I'm doing Luna's ring, which says "prettiness", and is Luna  For mother's birthday present, if, you said that I'd like to order a ring or a necklace by the same roundish 5mm stone as Luna.
I'll make a list of stones and prices, send and several days later, decide on a necklace of a blue topaz!
I wanted to propose by Ishiza of Luna's pendant head, I still adapted by storage during sample making and Ishiza of ROROKIDORO. 
It's said that they're the person who always has a deep red nail and has much from a high jewelry to an accessary of a toy, but if you'd like it, a mother is happy.
A birthstone is a topaz in November, so I think maybe it was a fitting present. 
Blue topaz: Approx... 5 mm  
Necklace :40cm or 37cm (Adjustable)
I am glad to be able to attach it at once.
May it overflow with HAPPY!
I'll introduce again for details.