駒込へ / To Komagome

2014年11月16日 16:12












いろいろとお試しいただいて、インドネシアの民話の美しい女神の名前をつけたRoro Kidul(リリキドロ)のペリドットのピアスと、ケルト神話の詩の女神の名前をつけたBrigid(ブリギッド)のネックレスのオーダーをいただきました。




It was good weather yesterday.

After having reached from the early afternoon a stonemason, in rosekitchen+cafe in one of the apartment of Komagome, I met good friend sisters.

The room of the efficiency was made a shop, and a window was very big, and I came to be seen a little, and a shop was the space that I idealized from a street.

I want such an atelier♫

I have completely forgotten to take a photograph...

Because a flower shop was considered to be it, I had you watch jewelry while being surrounded by wonderful flowers.

I feel happy to this when I watch a figure tried on happily. Sisters are good.

I had you try it in various ways and had the order of the necklace of Brigid where pierced earrings of the peridot of Roro Kidul where the beautiful goddess of the Indonesian folktale named and the goddess of the poetry of the Celts myth named.

Thank you very much♡
I prepare from now on.