飲むバラと今日のコーディネート / The rose I drink and today's coordination

2015年11月20日 14:47









私の困りごとの中に、金属アレルギーではないのに、ピアスを付けていたら耳が荒れてしまった・ピアスを付けていると耳がかゆくなるなどなどということが、長年あって、 K18のピアスでもダメな時もあるので、つけてるサンプルを見せられない状態の時や、ピアスをつけられない時があったのですが、 飲むバラを飲み始めて数週間、荒れてた耳が治り、その後、荒れなくなりました。 














I drank for the first time by an international rose and a gardening show in May of this year, the rose I drink. 

I was drinking a little every day until the end of September acceptance. 

It's quite sweet, so it's broken and drunk, and it's the slow pace of about 1 a week, but the power of a rose is wonderful.
My, would, every, there is a case that an ear says the and all that which becomes itchy to that I'm not allergic to metal when the* pierced earring with a rough ear is being put if a pierced earring is being put, in the inside for a long time, and when even a pierced earring of K18 is useless, I have that, so there were at the state that a worn sample can't be shown and time when a pierced earring can't be put, an ear rough for several weeks began to drink the rose I drink, and healed and after that, didn't get rough any more. 
I thought if it was stopped, it was again, and 4 months weren't missed and were being drunk as much as possible, but it's a condition of the state of the surface where I'm healthy without getting rough even now that I didn't drink any more. 
Moreover a heart also becomes gentle.
You who doesn't react to that he was interested so far stay here, please. 
The rose is wonderful. 
Today's coordination. 
juno lapis lazuli earrings