パールのピンブローチをお届け / Deliver Pearl's pin brooch.

2016年06月20日 22:12













お出かけの時、ブラウスやセーターに 添えてお洒落したいと思います。 と、お客様からあたたかい メッセージをいただきました。








もう少しパールが小さいと エレガント過ぎてしまうのですが パールが約2cmと大きめなため、エレガントでありながらポップな雰囲気になるので、場所を選ばずセンスアップ 出来るアイテムです。


SILVER 鏡面仕上げ 




女神のメッセージ / 呼び覚ます感覚


I delivered Pearl pin brooch of the Juno series a goddess in the sky of a Roman myth named.

I'm happy because there is a person of the same sense. 

You purify, make sure that material origin can be shown and deliver it.

 Please include a wish so that it may overflow in a lot of happy. 

It's big satisfaction by a pin brooch on the image street. 

When being out, I'd like to add it to a blouse and a sweater and dress myself up. I received a warm message from a customer.

I'm happy.

When it's put on, it'll be such feeling.

When Pearl is a little smaller, they're too elegant, but though they're elegant, it'll be the pop atmosphere because Pearl is rather big at about 2 cm, so it's the item which can't choose a place and can look better.


SILVER  Mirror surface finishing.

Resin Pearl: About 20 mm

Length: About 9.7 cm

A price: 8100 yen (including tax)


Goddess's message/evoked sense



I delivered Pearl pin brooch of the Juno (JUNO) series a goddess in the sky of a Roman myth named.
I'm happy because there is a person of the same sense. 
You purify, make sure that material origin can be shown and deliver it.
 Please include a wish so that it may overflow in a lot of happy. 
It's big satisfaction by a pin brooch on the image street. 
When being out, I'd like to add it to a blouse and a sweater and dress myself up. I received a warm message from a customer.
I'm happy.
When it's put on, it'll be such feeling.
When Pearl is a little smaller, they're too elegant, but though they're elegant, it'll be the pop atmosphere because Pearl is rather big at about 2 cm, so it's the item which can't choose a place and can look better.
SILVER  Mirror surface finishing.
Resin Pearl: About 20 mm
Length: About 9.7 cm
A price: 8100 yen (including tax)
Goddess's message/evoked sense