ジュノのラピスラズリリングをお届け❤ / Deliver a lapis lazuli ring of JUNO.

2016年09月04日 23:36









先日、ローマ神話の天空の女神の名前をつけた juno(ジュノ)シリーズのラピスラズリリングをお届けしました。




今回は、知り合いの方から"ラピスラズリを持ったらいいよ" と言われたとのことで、お守りの意味を込めてジュノをアレンジし、ラピスラズリのリングをお作りしました。






お客様の長い指に、繊細だけれどもパワフルなリングが とてもお似合いでした。











ピアスだとお洋服とのコーディネートが 気になることもありますが、 リングだと体から離れているので、気にせずラピスラズリを楽しむことが出来ますね。


K18YG 鏡面仕上げ



The day before yesterday was a new moon.
A ferrule solar eclipse seems to want to be seen around Africa.
Surprisingly, it's also mysterious.
I delivered a lapis lazuli ring of the juno series a goddess in the sky of a Roman myth named the other day.
The customer who also received an order in before.
It was said that you said" You should have azure stone." from acquaintance's way this time, and I included the point you're maintaining, arranged for JUNO and made you a ring of azure stone.
You purify, make sure that material origin can be shown and deliver it.
Please include a wish so that it may overflow in a lot of happy.
A delicate but powerful ring was very suitable for customer's long finger.
Wonderful time.

When I say azure stone.
■ Strong, malice, you conduct traditional ceremonies to expel evil spirits.
■ Good luck, I call.

Said, it's a stone.
If it's a pierced earring, I'm interested in coordination with clothes, but if it's a ring, it's away from the body, so it's possible not to worry about it and to enjoy azure stone, isn't it?

K18YG  Mirror surface finishing.
Azure stone: About 6 mm