ジュエリーで女性性を開きましょう / I'll open a lady by a jewelry

2016年05月11日 22:11





大切な方にもらったものや、自分へのご褒美で買ったもの、 ピンッときて即買いしたものなどなど、あなたはどんなジュエリーやアクセサリーが好きですか?





自分を飾ることは女性性にも 大変影響をあたえると言われていますよね。




と嬉しいお声をいただいたencantsuerte(エンカントスエルテ)のジュエリー どうぞ最初の1歩に。

石違い、素材違いなどもお作り出来ますので、 お問い合わせくださいませ。





女神のメッセージ / 新たな美しさの夜明け


A lady thinks but there are a lot of favorite ones a jewelry and an accessary, but how about everyone? 
What kind of jewelry and accessary do you like for the one you got from an important person and reward to yourself bought one and the thing etc. which was bought and done immediately?
I think the person who has a sense has, too, that it isn't put but what it is.
It's quite said that to display oneself has an influence on a lady, too, isn't it?
 "This ring is very pleasant. Because I came to have a pain in the finger when a ring was done so far, only a plastic toy ring was put, this ring isn't painful and is easy."
Jewelry of encantsuerte which received wonderful voice  Please come to the first 1 step.
I can make you the stone difference and the material difference, so please inquire.
Today's fortunate coordination.
Nymph (nymph) cross necklace
Message of the goddess / Dawn of new beauty