過去のエピソード / Past Episode

2014年06月28日 16:21



















One week passes from the summer solstice.

Is there the person with the feeling that a door was open?


This is silver ring of peridot who made at least a two-year and half front from the order before.

It was said, "I did not have a pain in this ring and did it though the ring did not do it because I came to have a pain in a finger and did the ring of the toy and was comfortable".


I took ”BALI” of the ring what you did.

I sandwich it between polishing, palms with a wish afterward and am the completion with love.

It gets to know that material original can be woken later. 

Also at this time, a ring is soft & hard -- since I understand, after becoming soft, I remember having passed. 
It was one of such the occurrences that understood that it can be wonderful.