貴金属って? / Precious metal?
2016年04月27日 14:46
今日は貴金属のお話 ジュエリーで使われている貴金属といえば、 金と銀とプラチナが思い浮かぶと思います。
上に挙げた7種類の金属が、ジュエリーに いろいろな形で使われている貴金属元素です。
7種類とオスミウムを加えた 合計8元素を、一般に貴金属と総称しています。
女神のメッセージ / ほどける迷い
Today is a story of precious metal.
When saying the precious metal used by a jewelry, I think money, silver and platinum are imagined.
The ruthenium added to platinum and precious metal as iridium are also used to increase these typical palladium in addition to 3, rhodium for plating and hardness.
7 kinds of metal mentioned to the top is your metallic element used for a jewelry by the various shapes.
7 kinds and total of 8 elements to which an osmium has been added are being generally generically called precious metal.
Today's fortunate coordination.
juno lapis lazuli necklace
Goddess's message/loose delusion