春分の日ですね / Vernal Equinox Day,
2016年03月20日 15:39
金曜日、数ヶ月ぶりに 友人とディナーをしました 感覚の似ている彼女と会っていると、全てを言葉にして伝えなくても良いので、楽しいし楽だし、あっという間に時間が過ぎます。
友人との関係性に無理があるな と感じているのにいろいろな理由をつけて続けてる方、それは本当に必要な関係ですか?
女神のメッセージ / 幸せの扉を開く
Today is the Vernal Equinox Day.
Sometime, and, won't wax begin that of which you thought and this from today?
I express everything in words, and you don't need to tell to meet similar her of a sense who set dinner to several months after with my friend on Friday, so time is fun and easy and passes suddenly.
Though I find relationship with my friend to be unreasonable, are the person who makes various reasons and continues it and that a really necessary relation?
Aren't yourself changing time oneself is spending with such person a little time of the storage?
Today's coordination.
fate Black diamond pierced earring
Message of the goddess / Fortunate door is opened