前に進みたいけれど勇気が出ない方へ / I'd like to advance towards the front, but it's to the person who isn't courageous.
2016年06月17日 23:18
今日は前に進みたいけれど勇気がでない方へ、 先日の石の講座で教えていただいたお話をもう1つ。
名前の通り、ゲートを開けて行動するのをサポートしてくれる。 とのことでした。
The story I'd like to advance towards the front today, but the courage had tell the person who doesn't go out in the lecture of the other day's stone, another.
The one recommended to such one is agate.
You help him to open a gate and behave as the name. Said.
Don't you have the courage in agete?
bastet and onyx ring
The story I'd like to advance towards the front today, but the courage had tell the person who doesn't go out in the lecture of the other day's stone, another.
The one recommended to such one is AGETO (agate).
You help him to open a gate and behave as the name. Said.
Don't you have the courage in AGETO?
AGETO in BASUTETO (bastet) and onyx