今日はバレンタインデー / Today is a Valentine's Day.
2016年02月14日 22:24
今日はバレンタインデーですね 。
水曜日に銀座へ行ったので、 松屋8Fの特設チョコレート売場で 無事購入いたしました。
キュートでセクシーなカイリーは、 好きなアーティストの1人です。
愛が液体なら きっと私は溺れてるわ
どこでもない場所で 愛は私を見いだし
ハートの形に私を取り巻く そしてゆっくり私を溶かすの
愛が人なら きっと私を見分けるわ
失われた空間で 愛は訪れ 教えてくれる
そしてゆっくり私を溶かすの チョコレートみたいに・・・
(歌詞・一部・訳 / お借りしました)
ロロキドロ(roro kidul)のアメジストピアス
女神のメッセージ / 多面的な魅力
Though yesterday and today are February, it's warm.
Does a cold day come?
Today is a Valentine's Day, isn't it?
I went to Ginza on Wednesday, so I bought it safely at a specially-installed chocolate department of MATSUYA 8F.
There will be a song I feel like hearing in particular at this time.
chocolate where that was released in 2003 of Kylie Minogue.
Sexy Kylie is 1 of a favorite artist cutely.
They're 152cm and smallness, but it's powerful with the charm which is to the extent I don't make them feel.
The part of the lyrics, please.
If love were liquid it would drown me,
In a placeless place would find me,
In a heart shape come around me and then,
Melt me slowly down,
If love were human it would know me,
In a lost space come and show me,
Hold me and control me and then,
Melt me slowly down
In a placeless place would find me,
In a heart shape come around me and then,
Melt me slowly down,
If love were human it would know me,
In a lost space come and show me,
Hold me and control me and then,
Melt me slowly down
Like chocolate,
Today's coordination.
roro kidul amethyst pierced earring
Message of the goddess / Multifaceted Charm