ブローチのつけ方 その② / / How to put it a brooch ➁
2016年03月29日 18:29
encantosuerte(エンカントスエルテ)にはブローチはありませんが、 会食、講演、入学式などなど、出番の多いアイテムかと思いますので、昨日に続き、今日は体型を気にされている方にむけて、 つけ方のご紹介をしたいと思います。
■ ボリュームを出したい方
女神のメッセージ / 自らの喜びのために
There are no brooches in encantosuerte, but I dine together and lecture and thinks entrance ceremony etc. is an item with the a lot of turn, so I'd like to introduce how to put it for the person worrying about the figure today following yesterday.
■ The person who would like to show sharply
I'll choose the design with the flow and an oblong brooch and produce an active and sharp impression.
■ The person who would like to take out the volume
When a solid brooch is chosen by symmetricalness of a circle and a square, sense of stability goes out. When even the inside is round, it'll be a gentle impression.
I think the same thing can say a corsage.
I'll use sight well and dress up nicely.
Today's coordination.
aurora double ring
Message of the goddess / For the delight