ブローチのつけ方 その① / How to put it a brooch ①

2016年03月28日 21:25



encantosuerte(エンカントスエルテ)には ブローチはありませんが、 会食、講演、入学式などなど、 出番の多いアイテムかと思いますので、 今日は背を気にされている方にむけて、 つけ方のご紹介をしたいと思います。












女神のメッセージ / 心をときめかせる精霊たち


There are no brooches in encantosuerte, but I dine together and lecture and thinks entrance ceremony etc. is an item with the a lot of turn, so I'd like to introduce how to put it for the person worrying about a back today.
■ The person who would like to show a back highly  
It's put on the expensive place near a collarbone as the eyes around will be brought to the top.
■ The person who would like to show a back low  
It's put on the location near the bust top to lower the eyes around. 
Today's coordination.
nymph Hawaiian bracelet
Message of the goddess / At the time of waking