ブリギットのシルバーフープピアスをお届け / Deliver Bridget's silver hoop pierced earring.
片方での販売をしていました このピアスに、両耳にしたいのですが... と、お問い合わせいただいたお客様。
小さめなフープが オシャレなお客様にピッタリくると想像しています。
郵便局留めは、受け取りたい郵便局の窓口で 郵便物等を受け取ることができるサービス。
仕事先の、出先のそばの郵便局で 受け取ることが出来るって、とても便利ですね。
浄化して、素材本来が 発揮出来るようにしてお届けです。
たくさんのhappyで溢れますように 願いをこめて...
SILVER 鏡面仕上げ(ロジウム加工)
直径:約11mm 幅:太い部分約2mm / 細い部分約1mm
ポスト:9.5mm 2個1組価格:¥17,300(税込)
女神のメッセージ /本能のおももくままに
I delivered a rather small hoop pierced earring of the Brigid series a goddess of poetry of a Celtic myth named the other day.
The customer who asked this pierced earring which was being sold at a one side "He'd like to wear on his both ears..."
It required shipping charge double, so when I corrected a site and contacted you, I received an order.
Something strong is chosen so that a catch may last long.
I imagine a rather small hoop coming to the fashionable customer tightly.
You purify, make sure that material origin can be shown and deliver it.
Being full of much in happy Please include a wish.
SILVER Mirror surface finishing (rhodium processing).
A diameter: About 11 mm Width: About 2 mm of thick part/about 1 mm of thin part
2 of mailbox :9.5mm 1 set price :¥17,300 (including tax)