ヒーリングに / For healing
夏本番が来る前に、またヒーリングに行こうかなと思うこの頃。1・2ヶ月に1回、5年くらい通っているヒーリングルーム空 さん。
Yesterday's thunder was scary.The rainy season is over, and does the thunder increase, too?
I think that I will go to healing before getting hot. The healing room Kuu-san going for around five years once in 1.2 months.
kuu-san is a nice lady of an aromatherapist graduate kind to.
While it is wrapped in a fragrance of the aroma oil and healing music and a smile, I untie a body and have you cancel the energy and am healed every time.
Because I remove an unnecessary thing and I balance the oneself original body with the energy and return it, balance is set, and the healing of Kuu-san supports the direction where oneself should advance to to be able to notice it by oneself.
When balance collapses; physical condition receive damage mentally, but if fix even the balance, use one's energy to the full, and seem to know it by oneself what oneself should just do.
I came to finally understand it for long time. Always thank you♡