男性のお客様から うさぎのネックレスのご注文をいただくと、何も分からないのに、ロンマンチストと想像しちゃいます。
浄化して、素材本来が 発揮出来るようにしてお届けです。
K18YG 鏡面仕上げ うさぎ(横:約5mm×縦:約9mm)
ネックレス:40cm or 37cm(アジャスターでサイズ調整可能)
女神のメッセージ / 生まれ持った輝き
I delivered a necklace of rabbit of the Nymph series a spirit of Greek mythology named.
An order from a male customer.
Though nothing finds out that I receive an order of the necklace of rabbit from a male customer, it's imagined as romanticist.
Be happy for long with an important person.
You purify, make sure that material origin can be shown and deliver it.
Please include a wish so that it may overflow in a lot of happy.
K18YG Mirror surface finishing Rabbit.
Necklace :40cm or 37cm (It's possible to adjust the size by an adjuster.)
21,290 yen (including tax)
The goddess's message/blaze which was born and had it