オーロラのロングピアスをお届け / Deliver a long pierced earring of an aurora.

2016年05月03日 11:51



ローマ神話のオーロラの女神の名前をつけた Aurora(オーロラ)シリーズのロングピアスを お届けいたしました❤


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両耳でもアシンメトリーでもクールにきまる ピアスなので、これからの時期ますますヘビーローテーションしていただいて、 街中の男性の視線を感じていただきたいな と思います。






K18YG  長さ:約14cm、約11cm、約9cm 





この男心をくすぐるピアスで、 夏を楽しみませんか?


I delivered a long pierced earring of the Aurora series a goddess of an aurora of a Roman myth named.
Last time, I received a re-order from the person who ordered by a fellow.
Even both ears are the pierced earring which is also decided coolly by asymmetry, so I have do heavy rotation increasingly future time, and thinks you could feel male eyes downtown.
You purify, make sure that material origin can be shown and deliver it. 
Please include a wish so that it may overflow in a lot of happy. 

Material: K18YG


Chain Width:Approx...0.5mm
¥23,550(tax included)

(Please order two one to add to both ears)

Isn't summer enjoyed by the pierced earring which tickles this male instinct?