かに座の誕生石は? / A birthstone of Cancer?
2016年06月22日 15:02
日本では誕生石の方がポピュラーですが、 欧米では星座石のが主なんだそうです。
The birthstone is more popular with Japan, but it's said that the one of the constellation stone is of primary concern in Europe and America.
A constellation stone of Gemini of 6/22-7/22?
Pearl work and moonstone
Today's happy coordination.
roro kidul moonstone pierced earring
The positive light which overflows
The birthstone is more popular with Japan, but it's said that the one of the constellation stone is of primary concern in Europe and America.
A constellation stone of Gemini of 6/22-7/22?
Pearl work and moonstone
Today's happy coordination.
Moonstone pierced earring of ROROKIDORO (rorokidul)
The positive light which overflows