おちゃと今日のコーディネート / cafe and today's coordination

2015年07月23日 21:41







スフレパンケーキを食べたかったけれど、お腹いっぱいだったので、フォンダンショコラにしておきました 。

のんびり出来る空間で過ごしやすかったし、美味しかったです 。










The Hoshino coffee store coffee I entered for the first time yesterday.
I came near for receipt waiting of repairing of shoes and laundry of canvas and boots of a leather combination.
I wanted to eat souffle pancakes, but it was stomach full, so I took fondant chocolate.
It was easy to have time at the space which can be done freely and it was good.
And repairing and laundry were being taken out in a special course of shoes, both rose beautifully and were big satisfaction.
Today's coordination.
rorokidul Period chain pierced earring